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Transeo Summit

The place to be for transfers & acquisitions

  • Transeo summit
  • Conference

The Transeo Summit…

  • is the reference event in Europe dedicated to transfers and acquisitions of SMEs
  • is a great place to connect and exchange with individuals from practice, policy and academia
  • provides an invaluable forum that brings together different perspectives on the transfer of private businesses.

On 19 & 20 May 2022, the Transeo Summit will focus on international build-up as a leverage of growth.

Get inspired by our conferences & top speakers.
Improve your on specific topics related to transfers & acquisitions in our workshops.
Connect with international M&A players and policymakers.

Why attend ?

  • Learn from the best experts in Europe on growth/scale up, family business succession, managements buy-ins, management buy-outs, strategic acquisitions, SME/entrepreneurship, cross-border transactions, technical aspects such as legal trends, financing schemes…
  • Gain new skills & ideas by exchanging good practices
  • Share your ideas & join the debate
  • Network with M&A professionals, policymakers, institutions & academics
  • Open new business opportunities & connect with the Transeo team and Transeo Members

Who will attend ?

  • Business transfer professionals: M&A advisors, intermediaries, brokers, matching platforms/marketplaces, lawyers, auditors, accountants, chartered accountants, tax consultants, banks, private equity firms, …
  • EU, national and regional decision-makers
  • Institutions active in business transfer including chambers of commerce, development banks, economic development agencies, government agencies, …
  • Academic researchers: universities, business schools, …

Practical information

19 May 2022, 17h – 20 May 2022, 16h30

Bpifrance “Le Hub” – Boulevard Haussmann, 8 – 75009 Paris

Information & registration

Contact information

Information & registration

19 May 2022

20 May 2022


Paris, France




Transeo & Bpifrance

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A great event to connect and exchange with individuals from practice, policy, and academics

The Transeo Summit is a great event to connect and exchange with individuals from practice, policy, and academics on a highly relevant topic that is yet not sufficiently discussed in public: the transfer of small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). SMEs are the backbone of our economies and, as such, making them entrepreneurial and keeping them successful over time is a key challenge for all of us. The Transeo Summit is a great place to exchange ideas about this topic!

Nadine Kammerlander, Professor, Director of Institute – WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management