
Alvo Talk with Transeo Board Member Gilles Le Cocguen.

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  • 15 May 2024

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Cross-border: The Holy Grail for French SMEs or Just a Mirage?

In this captivating new episode, Alvo Talk welcomes Gilles Le Cocguen, Head of EuroQuity Bpifrance and Board Member at Transeo.

Gilles and Thomas discuss the state of cross-border M&A for Small Caps. The Transeo Deal Club is one of the most important players in facilitating cross-border deals in Europe, with a strong presence in Belgium and the Netherlands. He also spoke about PMI (Post Merger Integration), a sensitive topic when it comes to business acquisitions, as many see it as a destruction of value.

To listen to the full episode, click here.

Alvo Talk is also available on all your favorite podcast apps.

(In French)

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