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On 12-14 June 2019, Transeo held its General Assembly and the 2nd meeting of the working groups “Ecosystems” and “Marketplaces” in Barcelona. This 3-day event was hosted by Transeo Board Member, Reempresa.
On the first day of this event, Transeo Members exchanged good practices about business transfer marketplaces. The topic of this meeting was the “business model of matching platforms”. The venue of the meeting was Foment del treball, the building hosting the major employers’ association in Catalonia.
Around the table, we had the chance to have several matching platforms active all over Europe such as Reempresa, CRA, Overnamemarkt, Tappaya, TradeX, MKBase, House of Entrepreneurship,, Sowaccess, Bpifrance, but also M&A professionals and special guests who were willing to share their own good practices.
Many insights were shared among the Members, exploring new ways of generating revenues by offering new services to new targets; but also rethinking the role of the matching platform and the future trends & challenges it will have to face.
If you want to know more about the results of this working group, have a look at our summary video, or contact us!
On the second day, the Transeo meeting was held in BizBarcelona, a major event related to entrepreneurship in Catalonia.
45 M&A advisors and experts, Members of Transeo, discussed the topic of advisory services in business transfer ecosystems. The discussion was based on the exchange of good practices by several Members, as well as small group discussions about specific topics, such as underserved markets, cooperation between diffrent kinds of specialists or digitalization of the market.
During the break, a tour visit was organized by our host Reempresa, to discover the “economic fabric” of Catalonia. A good opportunity for Transeo Members to meet and network with foreign entrepreneurs & local support organisations.
Then, Transeo held its General Assembly, making a state of the art of the year 2018, and presenting the working programme and forecast strategy for 2019 and 2020. A main observation is the growth of Transeo network this year: 20 new Members since last General Assembly in 2018!
The day was closed by a Transeo Dinner in the wonderful location of Palau de la Musica, a famous building in the centre of Barcelona, hosting a restaurant and a choir theatre.
If you want to know more about the results of this working group, have a look at our summary video, or contact us!
On the last day, Transeo Members had the opportunity to enhance their soft skills in negotiation thanks to a special training on intercultural neogitation “Negotiate like a local“, given by Jean-Pierre Coene.
The training approached the differences between the different cultures & the trainer identified different mindsets that correspond to a certain type of negotiator. This training was a good opportunity for our Members to learn more how they should behave when negotiating with a counterpart from another country. If you want to know more about the intercultural negotiation, the book is available online, or contact directly the trainer & author.
This interesting training was followed by a closing lunch with all Transeo Members during which the Transeo team officially closed the event and thanked the local hosts, Reempresa, as well as all the Members for their active participation and motivation throughout these 3 days.